Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hmmm, posting pictures directly to blogger wasn't working. That's OK, you can click on this link to see some new pictures I've posted.

Monday, August 10, 2009

The following is rated US for un-squeamish audiences

I was settling down on the toilet with a good book today and all was going well. I had some stomach issues in the morning before church, maybe because I had gone fishing in a muddy pond the day before and I had to get in the water to catch the fish. Also I don't think I washed my hands too well before having lunch that day. But I was feeling much better since my system was purged in the morning. However I did feel like a blood vessel was being pinched right at the top of my left hamstring, probably due to the way I was sitting. It felt kind of like a tickle, and maybe you have had a similar experience, when the pressure builds up in your blood vessel and you can start to feel your heartbeat right where the pinch is. So I adjusted myself and went back to reading. After about a minute the tickle feeling came back at first I thought, man this is a difficult toilet seat to get comfortable on. Then I noticed that the tickle didn't feel like my heartbeat. Suddenly I thought maybe something is touching me! Horrified, I jumped up to see what kind of brightly colored insect or giant spider it might be. Luckily it was neither of those. Instead, a small gecko poked its head out of the inside rim of the toilet seat. It probably didn't know why it had gotten so dark all of the sudden and it must have been terrified to see me. After a half second pause it scrambled up onto the toilet seat and literally jumped off in a flying leap with its tiny legs sprawled out to the sides. It landed in the corner behind the toilet and ran up the wall as fast as its little legs could take it. I laughed to myself and then sat back down to continue reading.

Moral of the story. Always check under the toilet seat for geckos.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


At the Silk Farm with Heng and Phearum

English Camp trip to the War Museum

"Lower Mountain" It's more like a big hill

Heng and I

At the Angkor Wat Temple Complex

Ana Caitlin Me and Dara

The Guys

Traditional Khmai Costume

Saturday, August 1, 2009


I will be speaking at the church here in Siem Reap on Sunday morning. That will be sometime after 7pm on Saturday California time. Please pray for me! I will be talking about the life of Moses and using chapter 34 of Deuteronomy.