Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Kampong Som

2125 Don Bosco Hotel, Cambodia

We just got to the Don Bosco hotel in Kampong Som where Field Forum is being held. The same as last year the interns are staying at a different hotel about ten minutes away down by the beach. I wish we were staying at the same place as the missionaries so we could hang out with them as long as possible. Also there is wireless internet here so I can keep updating every night. But there aren't enough rooms. We had our first session with the youth and it was awesome being reunited with them, I know all of them from my previous two trips. I think we're going to have a lot of fun here. Also I'm looking forward to interrogating a different missionary at every meal so that I can just soak up all the collective wisdom and experience.

Prayer Requests:
  • Wisdom and effectiveness as the youth leader for Field Forum. To have meaningful encounters with the kids here.
  • To have great conversations with the missionaries and learn as much as possible.

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