Friday, July 17, 2009


I am at the end of my third full day in Kampong Som and it has been raining non-stop since we got here! I love the rain but there are a few unfortunate consequences to having it all the time. One being the cancellation of beach day. We are only a few minutes away from some really nice beaches but many were unwilling to go in the rain. True, one an expect to be wet at the beach whether it is raining or not but the experience is somewhat different when the sun is obscured by a layer of thick gray clouds. Another disadvantage to all the rain is the inability to hang dry any clothes. This creates a problem when I only have 4 shirts with me and they take two or more days to dry. But I have been managing and I really like the rain despite its downsides.

Besides the rain Field Forum has been great. I have had an awesome time with the youth ministering to them and spending time with them and coming up with games for them to play. The messages that have been presented every morning fit so well with the theme of what I was planning to teach the youth. God has been at work leading me and leading the speaker before we came to Cambodia to bring us to the same focus. Also, since this is my second time to Field Forum I have been able to connect with the kids really quickly and pick up right where we left off last year. I feel much more effective coming back for the second time.

I have also been able to have awesome conversations with most of the missionaries here. Dave and Doris about how they decided the appropriate level of living conditions for the people they are ministering to. Boon Oy and Chun Thon about their experiences in bringing Christ to the Jarai tribal group. Kent and Chrissy about the direction of their medical ministries in Poipet. Chris and Julie about finding a balance in interfaith dialogue. Jeff and Heather about the progress of their leadership training center. Joyce about the progress that the B'nong believers are making in building their conference center. Seoth and Syna about growing up as a Cambodian American and then responding to the call of God to return to Cambodia as missionaries. Holy about how God lead her to pursue her passions and how he is using them to further his Kingdom here in Cambodia.

Prayer Requests:
  • Praise for good devotional sessions with the youth. They responded well and engaged in discussion.
  • For good conversations and good connections with the youth and their parents.
  • For time to do devotions and be still and silent before God

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